Naughty Golden Globes, End of Free Wi-Fi, Penis Slide, more

1/12/09 - By Jodi

Because I care, really, here are some interesting things to check out after the caffeine has begun its Monday morning magic.  So get a cup of coffee, sit down, relax and take ten minutes to consider the important issues, like last night's Golden Globes, waxing pros and cons, the end of free wi-fi in NYC parks, NYC's $384,371 square meter of real estate, and whether kids should really be using that crazy penis slide. Yup!


Busy putting the kids to bed and you missed Brad and Angelina’s arrival at the Golden Globes last night?  Don’t pretend you don’t care—at least what was being worn. [The Cut]

And see which Golden Globe winners were naughty. [Gothamist]

You think your rent is high? A street vendor just paid $384,371 a year to the Parks Dept for the right to sell hot dogs outside of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. [NY Post]

The recession is hitting us everywhere, even in our laptops. Find out why there won't be free Wi-Fi in City parks any more. [NewYorkology]

Where else is the economy hitting you? Men chime in on the important economic issue of whether you should keep waxing, you know, down there.  [Smitten]

And to put a little WTF! in your day, check out this video of a penis slide for kids, accompanied by Bohemian Rhapsody on kazoo, of course. [Momcierge]